Progress continues in making tax dispute resolution more effective and in improving tax transparency through Country-by-Country reporting

Under OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS, 140 jurisdictions have committed to implement minimum standards to improve the taxation of multinational enterprises (MNEs) worldwide. On Monday, 18 October 2021, the OECD has released the latest outcomes of the implementation of BEPS Action 13 on the transparency of global operations of large MNEs and BEPS Action 14 on the resolution of tax related disputes between jurisdictions. This has been announced with a ...

Fourth annual peer review of BEPS Action 13 considering implementation of the CbC reporting minimum standard: Curaçao has fully implemented the BEPS Action 13 minimum standard and meets all of the terms of reference

On Monday 18 October 2021, the OECD has released the latest outcomes of the implementation of BEPS Action 13 on the transparency of global operations of large MNEs and BEPS Action 14 on the resolution of tax related disputes between jurisdictions. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. The BEPS Action 13 minimum standard on Country-by-Country reporting (CbC), requires tax administrations to collect ...

Fourth annual peer review of BEPS Action 13 considering implementation of the CbC reporting minimum standard: recommendations for Aruba

On Monday 18 October 2021, the OECD has released the latest outcomes of the implementation of BEPS Action 13 on the transparency of global operations of large MNEs and BEPS Action 14 on the resolution of tax related disputes between jurisdictions. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. The BEPS Action 13 minimum standard on Country-by-Country reporting (CbC), requires tax administrations to collect ...

OECD invites taxpayer input on seventh batch of Dispute Resolution peer reviews

Improving the tax treaty dispute resolution process is a top priority of the BEPS Project. The Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) peer review and monitoring process under Action 14 of the BEPS Action Plan was launched in December 2016 with the peer review process now well underway. The peer review process is conducted in two stages. Under Stage 1, implementation of the Action 14 minimum standard is evaluated for Inclusive Framework ...