Important Notice by SZV re AOV/AWW wage limits (Sint Maarten)

Earlier publications indicated that the AOV/AWW wage limits were indexed to NAf 126,329.49 as per January 1, 2023. However, this was incorrect: the AOV/AWW wage limits have remained NAf 117,091.61, as was established in the year 2021. As per January 1, 2023, the AOV/AWW wage limits remain the same as those established in the year 2021. This has been announced with a news release on the website of Social and Health Insurances ...

Announcement SZV re 2023 AOV/AWW pension statement (Sint Maarten)

To request a (digital) copy of the 2023 AOV/AWW pension statement, pensioners can send an e-mail to SZV (Social & Health Insurances SZV) via or call SZV on phone number 546-6782, from Monday to Friday, 7:30 am - 2:00 pm. The statement(s) will be sent to the pensioner via e-mail. This has been announced with a news release on the website of SZV. The yearly pension statement shows the total amount of ...

AOV/AWW pension payment schedule for 2024 (Sint Maarten)

The 2024 AOV/AWW pension payment schedule (pay dates for pension months February 2024 – January 2025) has been published on the website of Social & Health Insurances SZV (SZV). Persons with international bank accounts may receive their payment a few days later, according to the announcement on SZV’s website. Reminder by SZV: the payout for the pension month of January 2024 took place on December 28, 2023. See below a picture of ...

Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor: Consumer Price Index legislation needed for the increase of the AOV pension approved in Parliament (Sint Maarten)

Legislation regarding reparation of several laws used to increase amounts of social security legislation – such as the old age pension (AOV) and the minimum wage – has been approved by Parliament unanimously, according to a press release published on the website of the Government of Sint Maarten. Further from the news release: On August 16th, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley presented legislation to ...

SZV announces that the 2022 AOV/AWW pension statements are available (Sint Maarten)

The 2022 pension statements (AOV/AWW) are available at SZV and can be requested for either online or by calling SZV’s Customer Service. This has been announced with a news release on the website of SZV (Social & Health Insurances SZV). The yearly pension statement shows the total amount of AOV/AWW pension benefits that the pensioner was entitled to from SZV Sint Maarten. The news release on SZV’s website contains a ...

Payment of the increased AOV/AWW pension amounts could not take place yet, awaiting the relevant National Decree (Sint Maarten)

Contrary to the statement issued by SZV on January 3, 2023, the payment of the increased AOV/AWW pension amounts could not take place on January 30, 2023. This has been announced with a news release on the website of SZV (Social & Health Insurances SZV). In the news release it is stated that SVZ, as executing agency (uitvoeringsorgaan), will only be able to process and pay out the increased amounts ...

AOV/AWW pension amounts and payment schedule for 2023 (Sint Maarten)

Effective January 1, 2023, the monthly pension amount for persons entitled to Old-Age (AOV), Widow(er)'s and Orphan (AWW) pensions has increased. This has been announced in a news release published on the website of Social & Health Insurances SZV (SZV) as well as in a news release published on the website of the Government of Sint Maarten. Further from the news release on SZV’s website: Social & Health Insurances SZV pays ...

Handleiding 2022 gepubliceerd op de website van de belastingdienst. Diverse onderwerpen en een overzicht van de premiepercentages volksverzekeringen AOV/AWW en AVBZ (Sint Maarten)

Op de pagina van de Tax Administration of Sint Maarten (belastingdienst) van de website van de overheid van Sint Maarten is de “Handleiding 2022” (ENG) gepubliceerd. Ter algemene informatie en indicatie: klik hier voor de Handleiding 2022 zoals op 22 februari 2022 gedownload van die webpagina [wij bevelen aan altijd de website van de belastingdienst te raadplegen voor de laatstgeldende versie; red. CFN]. Deze handleiding bevat informatie over de volgende ...