New OECD self-assessment tool to help jurisdictions tackle tax crimes

A new diagnostic tool will allow jurisdictions to self-assess their capabilities across a range of legal, strategic and operational areas to support their efforts to tackling tax crime effectively. The Tax Crime Investigation Maturity Model sets out descriptions of capabilities and performance for tax crime investigation, allowing governments to identify where they are situated in relation to good practice across a number of levels of increasing maturity: Emerging, Progressing, Established, Aspirational. This ...

OECD supports APEC Economies in fight against tax crime

In response to a request from the APEC Finance Ministers, the OECD presented the report Combatting Tax Crimes More Effectively in APEC Economies at the APEC meetings underway in Santiago (Chile), as was announced with a press release on the website of the OECD. Recognising the critical role that the fight against tax crimes and other illicit financial flows plays in building resilient economies, the report was called for in APEC's Cebu Action ...