OECD-FHTP review of preferential regimes – Aruba

On 19 July 2019, the Inclusive Framework on BEPS approved the latest results of reviews of jurisdictions' domestic laws conducted by the OECD Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP). The review covered not only preferential tax regimes, but the results of the review of the substantial activities factor for no only nominal jurisdictions. This was announced with a press release published on the website of the OECD. For this subject ...

EU Code of Conduct Group approves the rollback of Aruba’s Special Zone San Nicolas regime

The EU Code of Conduct Group (Business Taxation) has assessed the repeal by the Aruban Government of the Special Zone San Nicolas regime (AW012) and has, in its meeting of 30 January 2019, approved the rollback of the regime. This conclusion was endorsed by the ECOFIN Council on 12 March 2019. This follows from the EU-document Outcome of Proceedings From: General Secretariat of the Council To: Code of Conduct Group ...

OECD 2018 Progress Report on Preferential Regimes: Curaçao regimes not harmful, respectively no longer harmful or out of scope

The OECD has released today its new publication, Harmful Tax Practices - 2018 Progress Report on Preferential Regimes (hereafter “the Progress Report”, or “the report”), which contains results demonstrating that jurisdictions have delivered on their commitment to comply with the standard on harmful tax practices, including ensuring that preferential regimes align taxation with substance. The release of the report has been announced today with a press release as published on the ...

Ontwerpbegroting 2019 Curaçao: opbrengst overmakingen Nederlandse dividendbelasting over deelnemingsdividenden geraamd op nul

Op 11 september 2018 is door de Regering de Ontwerp-landsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting (Beleidsdeel) van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2019  (Zittingsjaar 2018-2019-134) (de Ontwerp-begroting 2019) aangeboden aan de Staten van Curaçao. In de speciale uitgave van het CFN van vandaag besteden wij, onderverdeeld in een aantal artikelen, aandacht aan de onderwerpen die in de begroting aan de orde komen met betrekking tot belastingen, belastingheffing en belastingbeleid: Belastingopbrengsten (klik ...