New peer review assessments on tax dispute resolution released (MAP – BEPS Action 14)

Despite the significant disruption caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity to hold all meetings virtually, work has continued with the release on Tuesday 13 September 2022 of the Stage 2 peer review monitoring reports regarding the minimum standard to improve the resolution of tax-related disputes between jurisdictions (BEPS Action 14) for Aruba, Bahrain, Barbados, Gibraltar, Greenland, Kazakhstan, Oman, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, ...

OECD delivers on tackling harmful tax practices, as a further set of preferential tax regimes are dismantled or tightened (BEPS Action 5)

Jurisdictions continue making progress in countering harmful tax practices, as contemplated in the BEPS Action 5 Minimum Standard, with the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS now having approved the outcomes of the 2020 reviews by the OECD Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP). This was announced by the OECD in a press release dated 23 November 2020, which press release contains a hyperlink to a document “Harmful Tax Practices – Peer Review ...

Forum on Harmful Tax Practices: Qualifying activities regime in Curaçao in compliance with FHTP standards and considered not harmful

The OECD Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP) has published its BEPS Action 5 Update (as of November 2020) with the results of the 2020 peer reviews as established in the October 2020 meeting and has expressed that Aruba tax regimes now in line with the BEPS Action 5 Minimum Standard. This was announced by the OECD in a press release dated 23 November 2020, which press release contains a hyperlink ...

Forum on Harmful Tax Practices: Aruba regimes now in line with the BEPS Action 5 Minimum Standard

The OECD Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP) has published its BEPS Action 5 Update (as of November 2020) with the results of the 2020 peer reviews as established in the October 2020 meeting and has expressed that Aruba tax regimes now in line with the BEPS Action 5 Minimum Standard. This was announced by the OECD in a press release dated 23 November 2020, which press release contains a hyperlink ...

OECD invites taxpayer input on tenth batch of dispute resolution peer reviews. Tenth batch includes the stage 1 peer review of Aruba

The OECD is now gathering input for the tenth batch of Stage 1 dispute resolution peer reviews, according to a press release on the website of the OECD. This tenth batch includes the peer review of Aruba. From the press release: Improving the tax treaty dispute resolution process is a top priority of the BEPS Project. The Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) peer review and monitoring process under Action 14 of ...

OECD clamps down on CRS avoidance through residence and citizenship by investment schemes

Residence and citizenship by investment (CBI/RBI) schemes, often referred to as golden passports or visas, can create the potential for misuse as tools to hide assets held abroad from reporting under the OECD/G20 Common Reporting Standard (CRS), the OECD expresses in the press coverage dated 16 October 2018 following the publication of the results of its analysis of over 100 CBI/RBI schemes offered by CRS-committed jurisdictions. From the press coverage: In particular, Identity ...

Antwoord staatssecretaris op vragen over de zwarte en grijze lijst. Over Ecofin-besluitvormingsprocedures, transparantie en maatregelen van Nederland tegen niet-coöperatieve jurisdicties en andere landen met een laag statutair tarief (bronbelastingen en aanvullende CFC-maatregel)

De staatssecretaris van Financiën heeft op 16 april zijn antwoorden op de vragen van het Tweede Kamer lid Snels van 14 maart 2018 over de zwarte en grijze lijsten van belastingparadijzen aan de Tweede Kamer toegezonden. De vragen en antwoorden gaan voornamelijk over de procedure in de Ecofinraad van het agenderen van een discussiepunt en wie bepaalt dat de zwarte lijst een hamerstuk moet zijn en hoeveel lidstaten zijn er ...

Europese Commissie verwijdert 3 landen van de lijst met niet-coöperatieve jurisdicties en voegt er 3 aan toe

Op 13 maart 2018 heeft de Europese Commissie drie landen van de EU-lijst met niet-coöperatieve jurisdicties verwijderd en er drie aan toegevoegd. De landen die van de lijst zijn afgehaald zijn: Bahrein, de Marshall Islands en Saint Lucia. De landen die op de lijst zijn geplaatst zijn: de Bahamas, Saint Kitts and Nevis en de US Virgin Islands. Dit blijkt uit een persbericht op de website van de Europese Commissie ...