SZV management decided that the policy that became effective September 1, 2022 regarding insurance entitlement for Director Majority Shareholders, would remain in place until further notice. ‘Directors who were registered at SZV as insured employees up until September 1, 2022, will maintain their insurance at SZV if they wish’ (Sint Maarten)

On July 17, 2024, management of Social and Health Insurances of Sint Maarten (Uitvoeringsorgaan Sociale Ziektekosten Verzekering, hereafter: SZV) has decided that the ‘DMS policy’ (the policy re insurance entitlement for Director Majority Shareholders) that became effective September 1, 2022, would remain in place until further notice. This has been announced with a news release on SZV’s website. According to the announcement of SZV’s website, this means ‘that nothing changes ...

USZV announces updated policy re Statutory Director entitlement to ZV, OV and Cessantia (Sint Maarten)

Social and Health Insurances of Sint Maarten (Uitvoeringsorgaan Sociale Ziektekosten Verzekering, hereafter: USZV) has announced an updated policy regarding the status of the Director Majority Shareholder for purposes of the employee insurances (‘werknemersverzekeringen’). The updated policy will become effective September 1, 2024. Click here to go to the announcement on USZV’s website. It concerns the following employee insurances: the Sickness Insurance (ziekteverzekering, ZV), the Accident Insurance (ongevallenverzekering, OV) and the ...