Countries continue the successful implementation of international standards on harmful tax practices and tax dispute resolution

Progress continues in combatting harmful tax practices and providing greater tax certainty. New outcomes on the review of preferential tax regimes and new peer review reports on Mutual Agreement Procedures have been approved by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS, which groups over 140 countries and jurisdictions on an equal footing for multilateral negotiation of international tax rules. This has been announced by the OECD with a press release dated 24 ...

Tax dispute resolution – MAP peer review report (Stage 2): Curaçao meets all of the elements of the Action 14 Minimum Standard and solved all of the identified deficiencies

New peer review reports on Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP) have been approved by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS, which groups over 140 countries and jurisdictions on an equal footing for multilateral negotiation of international tax rules. This has been announced by the OECD with a press release dated 24 January 2022 on the occasion of the release of the peer review reports. Curaçao The Stage 2 peer review monitoring ...

Onderlinge overlegprocedure vastgesteld en gepubliceerd in de Landscourant (Aruba)

In de Landscourant van Aruba van 25 mei 2020, jaargang 2020, no. 11 (Lcrt. 2020 no. 11, blz. 4-9) is het besluit van de minister van Financiën, Economische Zaken en Cultuur van 18 mei 2020 met het beleid inzake de onderlinge overlegprocedure gepubliceerd. Dit beleid bevat een beschrijving en invulling van de onderlinge overlegprocedure op grond van een verdrag op fiscaal gebied. Het beleid is in werking getreden met ingang ...