2019 Caribbean Forum: Regional Transformation for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. Panel discussions will also focus on taxation in the tourism sector and developing an appropriate approach to tax incentives

The Government of Barbados, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) organized the 9th Caribbean Forum in Barbados on 6 November 2019, as announced on the website of the IMF. The event brought together senior policymakers, public, private, and multilateral development partners to explore avenues for regional transformation to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. Panel discussions will focus on leveraging institutional arrangements to boost regional integration, ...

Taxes on polluting fuels are too low to encourage a shift to low-carbon alternatives

Taxing polluting sources of energy is an effective way to curb emissions that harm the planet and human health, and the income generated can be used to ease the low-carbon transition for vulnerable households. Yet 70% of energy-related CO2 emissions from advanced and emerging economies are entirely untaxed, offering little incentive to move to cleaner energy, according to a new OECD report as announced in a press release published on ...