Landsbesluit machtiging Sector-directeur Fiscale Zaken om Curaçao te vertegenwoordigen bij de ondertekening van de overeenkomst met de VS inzake de uitwisseling van CbC-reports. Te ondertekenen overeenkomst aangehecht (Curaçao)

Bij Landsbesluit van 13 januari 2020 is de Sector-directeur Fiscale Zaken van het Ministerie van Financiën, gemachtigd om de openbare rechtspersoon Curaçao te vertegenwoordigen bij de ondertekening van de aan het landsbesluit gehechte overeenkomst ter uitvoering van artikel 4 van het Verdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, ten behoeve van de Nederlandse Antillen en de Regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika inzake de uitwisseling van gegevens met betrekking tot ...

‘Beperking van belastingvoordelen voor brievenbusmaatschappijen in de EU door uitspraken van het Europese Hof van Justitie’, zo wordt geconcludeerd in een rapport van het CPB

Voor multinationals wordt het moeilijker om te profiteren van belastingvoordelen van Europese regels door uitspraken van het Europese Hof van Justitie. Wereldwijd kan het profijt van het omsluizen van hun inkomen via brievenbusfirma’s wel met 20 procent dalen. Wanneer ook niet EU-lidstaten meedoen wordt het effect groter. Dat blijkt uit een rapport van het Centraal Planbureau (CPB): ‘Limitation of holding structures for intra-EU dividends: A blow to tax avoidance?’, zo ...

New OECD self-assessment tool to help tax administrations tackle tax debt and reduce administrative burdens

The OECD has published two self-assessment maturity models on tax debt management and the reduction of compliance burdens, both critical areas for successful tax administration. Maturity models set out descriptions of capabilities and performance in a particular function or set of activities across a number of levels of increasing maturity, in the case of these models from an emerging to an aspirational level. These models, the first in a new ...

BEPS Action 5 minimum standard: Transparency on tax rulings continues to increase

As part of continuing efforts to address BEPS concerns, the Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) has now assessed 112 jurisdictions' progress in spontaneously exchanging information on tax rulings, in accordance with Action 5 of the OECD/G20 BEPS package. This includes the first review for newer members of the Inclusive Framework, as well as certain developing countries that had requested additional time and were deferred from the previous years' peer ...

OECD releases further guidance for tax administrations and MNE Groups on Country-by-Country reporting

The Inclusive Framework on BEPS has released additional interpretative guidance to give greater certainty to tax administrations and MNE Groups on the implementation and operation of Country-by-Country (CbC) Reporting (BEPS Action 13). The new guidance makes clear that, under the BEPS Action 13 minimum standard, the automatic exchange of CbC reports filed under local filing rules is not intended. The release of the report was announced in a press release ...

OECD-report Revenue Statistics 2019 released: Tax revenues have reached a plateau

Tax revenues in advanced economies reached a plateau during 2018, with almost no change seen since 2017, according to new OECD research. This ends the trend of annual increases in the tax-to-GDP ratio seen since the financial crisis. The 2019 edition of the OECD’s annual Revenue Statistics publication shows that the OECD average tax-to-GDP ratio was 34.3% in 2018, virtually unchanged since the 34.2% in 2017. The release of the report was ...

Public consultation meeting on the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Proposal – Pillar Two

With a press release dated 3 December 2019, the OECD informed that it received the public comments on certain aspects of the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Proposal under Pillar Two. Interested parties were invited on 8 November 2019 to provide comments on the relevant aspects. The OECD is grateful to the commentators for their input and has published the public comments received. For more information, click here to go to ...

Effective use of Automatic Exchange of information – a role for Tax Inspectors Without Borders

Tuesday 26th of November marked an important milestone for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the United Nations Development Programme Tax Inspectors Without Borders initiative (TIWB) with the launch of a project on automatic exchange of information (AEOI). The project, which will be co-ordinated with the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum), was unveiled during its 10th Anniversary Meeting in Paris, France. This ...

10th Anniversary Meeting of the Global Forum: “International community has achieved unprecedented success fighting offshore tax evasion”

On 26-27 November, the 10th Anniversary Meeting of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the Global Forum) in Paris brought together more than 500 delegates from 131 member jurisdictions for renewed discussions on efforts to advance the tax transparency agenda. This was announced in a press release on the website of the OECD. From the press release: Ten years since the G20 declared the end of banking ...

OECD invites taxpayer input on tenth batch of dispute resolution peer reviews. Tenth batch includes the stage 1 peer review of Aruba

The OECD is now gathering input for the tenth batch of Stage 1 dispute resolution peer reviews, according to a press release on the website of the OECD. This tenth batch includes the peer review of Aruba. From the press release: Improving the tax treaty dispute resolution process is a top priority of the BEPS Project. The Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) peer review and monitoring process under Action 14 of ...

Global Forum on tax transparency reveals compliance ratings for further eight jurisdictions

On 12 November 2019, the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the Global Forum) published eight peer review reports assessing compliance with the international standard on transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR). This was announced in a press release published on the website of the OECD. From the press release: These reports are part of the second round of Global Forum reviews, which ...

OECD secretariat invites public input on the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Proposal under Pillar Two

As part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS, the OECD secretariat is seeking public comments on certain aspects of the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Proposal under Pillar Two. This was announced in a press release published on the website of the OECD. From the press release: The consultation document (available soon in French) focuses on specific technical issues in respect of the GloBE proposal where input ...

Curaçao receives an overall rating of Largely Compliant from the Global Forum

On 12 November 2019, the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the Global Forum) published eight peer review reports assessing compliance with the international standard on transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR). The release of the reports was announced in a press release published on the website of the OECD. These reports are part of the second round of Global Forum reviews, which ...

OECD releases further guidance for tax administrations and MNE Groups on CbC-reporting

The OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS has released additional interpretative guidance to give greater certainty to tax administrations and MNE Groups on the implementation and operation of Country-by-Country (CbC) Reporting (BEPS Action 13). This was announced in a press release on the website of the OECD. From the press release: The new guidance includes questions and answers on, amongst other topics, the treatment of dividends received, the operation of local ...

OECD releases guidance on the spontaneous exchange by no or only nominal tax jurisdictions

As part of BEPS Action 5 to curb harmful tax practices, jurisdictions may only maintain preferential regimes if certain "substantial activities" requirements are met. In order to ensure a level playing field, these requirements must also apply to jurisdictions with zero or only nominal tax rates. As a result, the Inclusive Framework on BEPS decided in November 2018 to resume the application of the substantial activities requirement for no or ...

2019 Caribbean Forum: Regional Transformation for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. Panel discussions will also focus on taxation in the tourism sector and developing an appropriate approach to tax incentives

The Government of Barbados, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) organized the 9th Caribbean Forum in Barbados on 6 November 2019, as announced on the website of the IMF. The event brought together senior policymakers, public, private, and multilateral development partners to explore avenues for regional transformation to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. Panel discussions will focus on leveraging institutional arrangements to boost regional integration, ...

Public consultation meeting on the Secretariat Proposal for a “Unified Approach” under Pillar One

As part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS, the OECD is seeking public comments on a Secretariat Proposal for a "Unified Approach" under Pillar One. This public consultation meeting will focus on the key questions identified in the consultation document and issues raised in the written submissions received as part of the consultation process, as was announced in a press release on the website of the OECD. For ...

OECD releases sixth round of BEPS Action 14 peer review reports on improving tax dispute resolution mechanisms. The reports include Argentina, Chile and Colombia

The work on BEPS Action 14 continues with the publication of the sixth round of stage 1 peer review reports, as announced on 24 October 2019 in a press releases on the website of the OECD. Each report assesses a country’s efforts to implement the Action 14 minimum standard as agreed to under the OECD/G20 BEPS Project. From the press release: The reports of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, India, Latvia, ...

OECD supports APEC Economies in fight against tax crime

In response to a request from the APEC Finance Ministers, the OECD presented the report Combatting Tax Crimes More Effectively in APEC Economies at the APEC meetings underway in Santiago (Chile), as was announced with a press release on the website of the OECD. Recognising the critical role that the fight against tax crimes and other illicit financial flows plays in building resilient economies, the report was called for in APEC's Cebu Action ...

OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 Finance Ministers

On 9 October 2019 the OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors was released. From the Overview in the report: “Overview G20 support for modernising the international tax rules has been instrumental over the past 10 years in ending bank secrecy, considerably improving tax co-operation, and strengthening the rules to counter base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by multinational companies. However, further progress is needed ...

OECD invites public input on the Secretariat Proposal for a “Unified Approach” under Pillar One

As part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (the Inclusive Framework), the OECD is seeking public comments on a Secretariat Proposal for a "Unified Approach" under Pillar One. This was announced in a press release dated 9 October 2019 published on the website of the OECD. From the press release: Background The Programme of Work (PoW) adopted by the Inclusive Framework on BEPS at its meeting of 28-29 ...

OECD leading multilateral efforts to address tax challenges from digitalisation of the economy

On 9 October 2019, the OECD Secretariat published a proposal to advance international negotiations to ensure large and highly profitable Multinational Enterprises, including digital companies, pay tax wherever they have significant consumer-facing activities and generate their profits. This was announced in a press release published on the website of the OECD. From the press release: The new OECD proposal brings together common elements of three competing proposals from member countries, and is ...

Platform for Collaboration on Tax invites comments on a draft toolkit designed to help developing countries with the implementation of transfer pricing documentation requirements

The Platform for Collaboration on Tax – a joint initiative of the IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Group – is seeking feedback from the public on a draft toolkit designed to help developing countries in the implementation of effective transfer pricing documentation requirements. This was announced in a press release published on the website of the OECD. From the press release: Transfer pricing documentation is necessary for effective implementation ...

Release of TIWB 2018/19 annual report: “Four years on and half a billion dollars later – Tax Inspectors Without Borders”

Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) assistance has delivered nearly USD 500 million in additional revenue for developing countries through April 2019, according to the latest TIWB annual report, as announced in a press release dated 25 September 2019 published on the website of the OECD. The release of the report was already announced in a press release dated 18 September 2019. From the press release dated 25 September 2019: The ...

Taxes on polluting fuels are too low to encourage a shift to low-carbon alternatives

Taxing polluting sources of energy is an effective way to curb emissions that harm the planet and human health, and the income generated can be used to ease the low-carbon transition for vulnerable households. Yet 70% of energy-related CO2 emissions from advanced and emerging economies are entirely untaxed, offering little incentive to move to cleaner energy, according to a new OECD report as announced in a press release published on ...

Use of digital technologies set to increase tax compliance

The eighth edition of the OECD's Tax Administration Series published ON 23 September 2019 shows how tax administrations are increasingly moving to e-administration and using a range of technology tools, data sources and analytics to increase tax compliance, according to a press release published on the website of the OECD. From the press release: Commenting on the report, Pascal Saint-Amans, Director of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration ...

IMF Working Paper: “A Possible Approach to Fiscal Rules in Small Islands” released

On 6 September 2019, the IMF Working Paper: “A Possible Approach to Fiscal Rules in Small Islands”, prepared by Ryota Nakatani, was released on the website of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Summary From the summary on the website of the IMF guiding the release: “A big challenge for the economic development of small island countries is dealing with external shocks. The Pacific Islands are vulnerable to natural disasters, climate ...

OECD releases latest dispute resolution statistics at its first Tax Certainty Day

The first OECD Tax Certainty Day took place on 16 September 2019 at OECD headquarters in Paris, according to a press release published on the website of the OECD. From the press release: As recognised by G20 Ministers, maintaining and enhancing tax certainty brings benefits for taxpayers and tax administrations alike and is key in promoting investment, jobs and growth. This is particularly the case against the backdrop of the ...

Boosting tax morale – so people and businesses pay tax

The willingness of individuals and businesses to voluntarily pay tax can be improved through better understanding of the complex interlinkages between enforcement, trust in government and the ease of compliance, according to a new report from the OECD. The release of the report was announced in a press release dated 11 September 2019 on the website of the OECD. Tax Morale: What Drives People and Businesses to Pay Tax? assesses the ...

OECD Taxation Working Paper: The Potential of Tax Microdata for Tax Policy

On 9 September 2019, the release of the publication of the OECD Taxation Working Paper: The Potential of Tax Microdata for Tax Policy was announced on the website of the OECD. This paper explores one distinctive form of the ‘big data’ of economics – individual tax record microdata – and its potential for tax policy analysis. The paper draws on OECD collaborations with Slovenia and Ireland in 2018 where tax ...