Latest peer review results on the implementation of the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard (Prevention of Tax Treaty Abuse)

Members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) continue to make steady progress in the implementation of the BEPS package to tackle international tax avoidance, as the OECD released the latest peer review report on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, assessing jurisdictions' efforts to prevent tax treaty shopping and other forms of treaty abuse under Action 6 of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project. A revised peer review document forming the basis of the assessment ...

Peer review on implementation BEPS Action 6 minimum standard (Prevention of Tax Treaty Abuse): No jurisdiction has raised any concerns about their agreements with Curaçao

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the OECD released the latest peer review report assessing jurisdictions' efforts to prevent tax treaty shopping and other forms of treaty abuse under Action 6 of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project. A revised peer review document forming the basis of the assessment of the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard was also released on Wednesday. This has been announced in a news release dated March 20, 2024, on the website of ...

Peer review on implementation BEPS Action 6 minimum standard (Prevention of Tax Treaty Abuse): No jurisdiction has raised any concerns about Aruba

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the OECD released the latest peer review report assessing jurisdictions' efforts to prevent tax treaty shopping and other forms of treaty abuse under Action 6 of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project. A revised peer review document forming the basis of the assessment of the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard was also released on Wednesday. This has been announced in a news release dated March 20, 2024, on the website of ...

Antwoorden staatssecretaris op vragen inzake het bericht ‘Amerikaanse multinationals ontwijken Nederlandse bijheffing minimumbelasting’ (Nederland)

Op 5 februari 2024 heeft de staatssecretaris van Financiën (Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst) aan de Tweede Kamer de beantwoording doen toekomen van de op 12 januari 2024 door het Tweede Kamerlid Van Eijk ingezonden vragen inzake het bericht ‘Amerikaanse multinationals ontwijken Nederlandse bijheffing minimumbelasting’. Het bedoelde bericht is op 11 januari 2024 verschenen op (klik hier om naar dat bericht op te gaan). De staatssecretaris heeft de vragen als ...

Wet minimumbelasting 2024 in het Staatsblad (Nederland)

Vandaag, woensdag 27 december 2023, is de Wet van 20 december 2023 tot invoering van een minimumbelasting en wijziging van de Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen en de Invorderingswet 1990 in verband met de implementatie van Richtlijn (EU) 2022/2523 van de Raad van 14 december 2022 tot waarborging van een mondiaal minimumniveau van belastingheffing voor groepen van multinationale ondernemingen en omvangrijke binnenlandse groepen in de Unie (PbEU 2022, L 328/1) (Wet ...

Wet minimumbelasting 2024 aangenomen door de Eerste Kamer (Nederland)

Op 19 december 2023 heeft de Eerste Kamer het (gewijzigd) wetsvoorstel Wet minimumbelasting 2024 na stemming bij zitten en opstaan aangenomen. Vóór stemden de fracties van OPNL, GroenLinks-PvdA, SGP, D66, CDA, Volt, PVV, SP, PvdD, VVD, ChristenUnie en 50PLUS. De fracties van FVD, JA21 en BBB stemde tegen. ACHTERGROND Het (initiële) voorstel van wet houdende, voluit, invoering van een minimumbelasting en wijziging van de Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen en de Invorderingswet 1990 ...

Nota naar aanleiding van het verslag (EK) inzake het wetsvoorstel Wet minimumbelasting 2024 (Nederland)

Op vrijdag 17 november jl. werd de nota naar aanleiding van het verslag van de vaste commissie voor financiën van de Eerste Kamer inzake het (gewijzigd) wetsvoorstel Wet minimumbelasting 2024 aangeboden aan de Eerste Kamer. Hierbij attenderen wij u op deze nota naar aanleiding van het verslag. De inbreng voor het tweede verslag is voorzien voor 28 november 2023. De plenaire behandeling door de Eerste Kamer van het wetsvoorstel is ...

Reacties NOB op wetsvoorstel Wet minimumbelasting 2024 (‘Pijler 2’) (Nederland)

Op 20 oktober 2023 heeft de Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs (NOB) haar reactie op de nota van wijziging bij wetsvoorstel Wet minimumbelasting 2024 gepubliceerd. Eerder gaf de NOB ook al reactie op het initieel ingediende wetsvoorstel en op de nota naar aanleiding van het verslag. Klik hier om naar de reacties op de website van de NOB te gaan. Hierbij attenderen wij u op de reacties van de NOB, zonder ...

Nota van wijziging bij het wetsvoorstel Wet minimumbelasting 2024 (‘Pijler 2’) aangeboden aan de Tweede Kamer (Nederland)

Op 13 oktober 2023 is een nota van wijziging inzake het wetsvoorstel Wet Minimumbelasting 2024 aangeboden aan de Tweede Kamer. Deze nota van wijziging strekt tot het wettelijk verankeren van een aantal andere onderdelen van de administratieve richtsnoeren van februari 2023 in het wetsvoorstel. Deze onderdelen betreffen de definitie van kwalificerend belang, de belastinglatenties met betrekking tot het verkrijgen van een recht op verrekening van belasting en de verrekening van ...

OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework releases new Multilateral Convention to Implement Amount A of Pillar One addressing tax challenges of globalisation and digitalisation

The OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS has released the text of a new multilateral convention (MLC) that updates the international tax framework to co-ordinate a reallocation of taxing rights to market jurisdictions, improve tax certainty, and remove digital service taxes. The publication of the convention moves the international community a step closer towards finalisation of the Two-Pillar Solution to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation and globalisation of ...

Kamerbrief over de uitkomst van de vergadering van het Inclusive Framework van 10-12 juli over de herziening van het internationale belastingsysteem (Nederland)

Bij brief d.d. 4 september 2023 heeft de staatssecretaris van Financiën (Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst) de Tweede Kamer geïnformeerd over de uitkomst van de vergadering van het Inclusive Framework van 10-12 juli over de herziening van het internationale belastingsysteem. In het OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (IF) georganiseerd door de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) is de afgelopen jaren intensief gewerkt aan de herziening van het internationale belastingsysteem. In ...

Wetsvoorstel Wet minimumbelasting 2024 (‘Pijler 2’) aangeboden aan de Tweede Kamer. In pakket Belastingplan 2024 zal worden geregeld dat het wetsvoorstel ook op de BES-eilanden zal gelden (Nederland)

Het voorstel van wet houdende invoering van een minimumbelasting en wijziging van de Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen en de Invorderingswet 1990 in verband met de implementatie van Richtlijn (EU) 2022/2523 van de Raad van 14 december 2022 tot waarborging van een mondiaal minimumniveau van belastingheffing voor groepen van multinationale ondernemingen en omvangrijke binnenlandse groepen in de Unie (PbEU 2022, L 328/1) (Wet minimumbelasting 2024), is op 31 mei 2023 aangeboden ...

Tax challenges of digitalisation: Public comments received on compliance and tax certainty aspects of global minimum tax

The OECD has published the public comments received on the compliance and tax certainty aspects of the Pillar Two global minimum tax. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. On 20 December 2022, as part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS to implement the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy, ...

Tax challenges of digitalisation: Public comments received on the design elements of Amount B under Pillar One relating to the simplification of transfer pricing rules

The OECD has published the public comments received on the design elements of Amount B under Pillar One relating to the simplification of transfer pricing rules. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. On 8 December 2022, as part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS to implement the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the ...

OECD releases technical guidance for implementation of the global minimum tax

The OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released technical guidance to assist governments with implementation of the landmark reform to the international tax system, which will ensure multinational enterprises (MNEs) will be subject to a 15% effective minimum tax rate. This has been announced yesterday with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: The Agreed Administrative Guidance for the Pillar Two GloBE Rules will ensure co-ordinated ...

Tax challenges of digitalisation: Public comments received on the draft Multilateral Convention provisions on digital services taxes and other relevant similar measures under Amount A of Pillar One

The OECD has published the public comments received on the Draft Multilateral Convention (MLC) Provisions on Digital Services Taxes (DSTs) and other Relevant Similar Measures under Amount A of Pillar One to assist members in further refining and finalising the relevant rules. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. On 20 December 2022, as part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on ...

Revenue impact of international tax reform better than expected, according to new OECD analysis

Revenue gains from the implementation of a historic agreement to reform the international tax system will be higher than previously expected, according to new OECD analysis released on Wednesday, January 18, 2023. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: The two-pillar solution to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation and globalisation of the economy will lead ...

Tax challenges of digitalisation: OECD invites public input on the draft Multilateral Convention provisions on digital services taxes and other relevant similar measures under Amount A of Pillar One

As part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS to implement the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy, the OECD is seeking public comments on the Draft Multilateral Convention (MLC) Provisions on Digital Services Taxes (DSTs) and other Relevant Similar Measures of Amount A of Pillar One. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD ...

Tax challenges of digitalisation: OECD invites comments on compliance and tax certainty aspects of global minimum tax

As part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) to implement the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy, the OECD is seeking public comments on compliance and co-ordination aspects of the Pillar Two global minimum tax. This has been announced with this news release respectively with this news release on the website of the OECD. Further ...

EU Richtlijn inzake een mondiaal minimumniveau van belastingheffing gepubliceerd (Pijler 2)

Op 22 december 2022 is de EU Richtlijn 2022/2523 van de Raad van de Europese Unie van 14 december 2022 tot waarborging van een mondiaal minimumniveau van belastingheffing voor groepen van multinationale ondernemingen en omvangrijke binnenlandse groepen in de Unie, gepubliceerd in het Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie (L 328/1). Klik hier voor de Engelstalige versie van de ‘Council Directive (EU) 2022/2523 of 14 December 2022 on ensuring a global ...

Significant progress on countering harmful tax practices with almost 50 000 exchanges of information on tax rulings undertaken to date under the BEPS Action 5 standard

Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: This is the sixth annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, ...

Kamerbrief Minister van Financiën over besluitvorming Raad van Europa inzake de wereldwijde minimumbelasting voor multinationals (‘Pijler 2’) (Nederland)

Bij brief d.d. 13 december 2022 heeft de Minister van Financiën de Tweede Kamer geïnformeerd over (onder meer) de Europese besluitvorming inzake de wereldwijde minimumbelasting voor multinationals (ook bekend als ‘Pijler 2’). In de brief geeft de Minister aan dat het kabinet zich er de afgelopen tijd voor heeft ingezet om alsnog EU-eenheid te verkrijgen voor (onder meer) de Europese implementatie van Pijler 2. De Minister vindt het zeer positief ...

European Commission welcomes agreement on minimum taxation of multinationals

The European Commission welcomes the unanimous agreement announced last night by the Czech Presidency of the EU Council on the Commission's proposal for a Directive [external link] ensuring a minimum effective tax rate for large multinational groups. This has been announced in a press release [external link] on the website of the European Commission. Further from the press release: With this historic agreement, the EU's pledge to be among the first ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings regarding Sint Maarten: no rulings issued within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges, no peer input and no recommendations are made (Sint Maarten)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: This is the sixth annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings regarding Curaçao: rulings issued within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges, no peer input, but two recommendations remain in place (Curaçao)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: This is the sixth annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings regarding Aruba: no rulings issued within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges, no peer input and no recommendations are made (Aruba)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: This is the sixth annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, ...

Tax challenges of digitalisation: OECD invites public input on the design elements of Amount B under Pillar One relating to the simplification of transfer pricing rules

As part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) to implement the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy, the OECD is seeking public comments on the main design elements of Amount B under Pillar One. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: As part of ...

Kamerbrief staatssecretaris met kabinetsreactie op de VN resolutie Belastingsamenwerking (Nederland)

Bij brief d.d. 5 december 2022 heeft de staatssecretaris van Financiën (Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst) de Tweede Kamer geïnformeerd over de reactie van het Nederlandse kabinetsreactie inzake de VN resolutie Belastingsamenwerking. Hierbij attenderen wij u op deze kamerbrief. Het betreft Resolutie A/C.2/77/L.11/Rev.1 die op 23 november jl. is aangenomen door het Tweede Commissie van de Verenigde Naties (VN). Deze resolutie zal medio december door de General Assembly van de VN aangenomen ...

“New OECD data highlight multinational tax avoidance risks and the need for swift implementation of international reform”

New data released on Thursday November 17, 2022, highlight continuing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) risks and the need to implement the two-pillar solution to ensure that large multinational enterprises (MNEs) pay a fair share of tax wherever they operate and earn their profits. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: The OECD’s latest annual report Corporate Tax Statistics, covering ...

Tax challenges of digitalisation: Public comments received on the Progress Report on the Administration and Tax Certainty Aspects of Amount A of Pillar One

The OECD has published the public comments received on the Progress Report on the Administration and Tax Certainty Aspects of Amount A of Pillar One. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD.  On 6 October 2022, as part of the ongoing work of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS to implement the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation ...