New peer review reports on the exchange of Information on tax rulings countering harmful tax practices. Over 54 000 exchanges on tax rulings carried out among more than 130 jurisdictions under the BEPS Action 5 standard

Wednesday December 13, 2023, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced in a news release published on the website of the OECD. This is the seventh annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, which aims to provide ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings (BEPS Action 5): Sint Maarten issued no rulings within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges, no peer input and no recommendations (Sint Maarten)

Wednesday December 13, 2023, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced in a news release published on the website of the OECD. This is the seventh annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, which aims to provide ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings (BEPS Action 5): Curaçao issued rulings within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges, no peer input, but the same two recommendations as in prior reports remain in place (Curaçao)

Wednesday December 13, 2023, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced in a news release published on the website of the OECD. This is the seventh annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, which aims to provide ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings (BEPS Action 5): Aruba issued no rulings within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges were required to take place, no peer input and no recommendations (Aruba)

Wednesday December 13, 2023, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced in a news release published on the website of the OECD. This is the seventh annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, which aims to provide ...

Significant progress on countering harmful tax practices with almost 50 000 exchanges of information on tax rulings undertaken to date under the BEPS Action 5 standard

Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: This is the sixth annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings regarding Sint Maarten: no rulings issued within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges, no peer input and no recommendations are made (Sint Maarten)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: This is the sixth annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings regarding Curaçao: rulings issued within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges, no peer input, but two recommendations remain in place (Curaçao)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: This is the sixth annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, ...

Peer review report on the exchange of information on tax rulings regarding Aruba: no rulings issued within the scope of the transparency framework, no exchanges, no peer input and no recommendations are made (Aruba)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the latest peer review assessments for 131 jurisdictions in relation to the compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings. This has been announced with a news release on the website of the OECD. Further from the news release: This is the sixth annual peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings, ...

Over 130 jurisdictions comprehensively reviewed in the latest BEPS Action 5 peer review on tax rulings

Tuesday December 14th, 2021, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the 2020 peer review assessments of 131 jurisdictions in relation to the spontaneous exchanges of information on tax rulings. The conclusions show that the global reach of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings continues to increase, with 22 000 tax rulings having been identified and 41 000 exchanges between jurisdictions having taken place. The exchange on tax ...

BEPS Action 5 peer review on tax rulings: Sint Maarten has met all aspects of the terms of reference for the calendar year 2020 that can be met in the absence of rulings being issued in practice, no recommendations are made (Sint Maarten)

Tuesday December 14th, 2021, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the 2020 peer review assessments of 131 jurisdictions in relation to the spontaneous exchanges of information on tax rulings. The conclusions show that the global reach of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings continues to increase, with 22 000 tax rulings having been identified and 41 000 exchanges between jurisdictions having taken place. The exchange on tax ...

BEPS Action 5 peer review on tax rulings: Curaçao has met all aspects of the terms of reference for the year 2020 except for identifying rulings within the scope of the transparency framework and under which category of rulings they fall and completing exchanges of information on rulings in accordance with the timelines. Curaçao receives recommendations (Curaçao)

Tuesday December 14th, 2021, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the 2020 peer review assessments of 131 jurisdictions in relation to the spontaneous exchanges of information on tax rulings. The conclusions show that the global reach of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings continues to increase, with 22 000 tax rulings having been identified and 41 000 exchanges between jurisdictions having taken place. The exchange on tax ...

BEPS Action 5 peer review on tax rulings: Aruba has met all aspects of the terms of reference for the year 2020 that can be met in the absence of rulings being issued in practice, no recommendations are made (Aruba)

Tuesday December 14th, 2021, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS released the 2020 peer review assessments of 131 jurisdictions in relation to the spontaneous exchanges of information on tax rulings. The conclusions show that the global reach of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard on tax rulings continues to increase, with 22 000 tax rulings having been identified and 41 000 exchanges between jurisdictions having taken place. The exchange on tax ...

Nota van Wijziging inzake de ontwerplandsbegroting 2022 – belastingaangelegenheden uitgelicht (Curaçao)

Op 29 november 2021 is een Nota van Wijziging inzake de ontwerp-landsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2022 (Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-199, no. 6) aangeboden aan de Staten. De ontwerplandsverordening stond ook geagendeerd voor behandeling tijdens een openbare vergadering van de Staten op maandag 29 november 2021 (en de latere dagen van die week), om 10 uur ’s ochtends (klik hier voor de oproep). Middels deze nota ...

Nota naar aanleiding van het Verslag inzake de ontwerplandsbegroting 2022 van Curaçao. Maandag 29 november behandeling in openbare vergadering van de Staten (Curaçao)

Op 18 november 2021 is de Nota naar aanleiding van het Verslag inzake de ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2022 (Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-199) aangeboden, met de bijlagen: Uitvoeringsagenda Landspakket Curaçao 1 oktober – 31 december 2021, Kódigo di Komportashon ‘Regla ta regla’ – Gedragscode 2.0 en de lijst van TMMK-scholen. In de week van maandag 25 oktober 2021 vond in de Centrale Commissie van de ...

Ontwerplandsbegroting 2022 Curaçao: Noodfonds COVID-19 (Curaçao)

Op de traditionele tweede dinsdag van september – dinsdag 14 september 2021 – is door de regering bij gelegenheid van de opening van het nieuwe parlementaire zittingsjaar 2021-2022 van de Staten van Curaçao de ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2022 aangeboden aan de Staten (ter griffie van de Staten ingeboekt met volgnummer Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-199). Klik hier voor de Statenstukken nrs. 1 t/m 3 betreffende ...

Ontwerplandsbegroting 2022 Curaçao: beleidsdoeleinden Ministerie van Financiën op belastinggebied, nationaal en internationaal (Curaçao)

Op de traditionele tweede dinsdag van september – dinsdag 14 september 2021 – is door de regering bij gelegenheid van de opening van het nieuwe parlementaire zittingsjaar 2021-2022 van de Staten van Curaçao de ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2022 aangeboden aan de Staten (ter griffie van de Staten ingeboekt met volgnummer Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-199). Klik hier voor de Statenstukken nrs. 1 t/m 3 betreffende ...

Ontwerplandsbegroting 2022 Curaçao: belastingcompliance en reorganisatie/optimalisering van de belastingdienst (Curaçao)

Op de traditionele tweede dinsdag van september – dinsdag 14 september 2021 – is door de regering bij gelegenheid van de opening van het nieuwe parlementaire zittingsjaar 2021-2022 van de Staten van Curaçao de ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2022 aangeboden aan de Staten (ter griffie van de Staten ingeboekt met volgnummer Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-199). Klik hier voor de Statenstukken nrs. 1 t/m 3 betreffende ...

Ontwerplandsbegroting 2022 Curaçao: belastingramingen (Curaçao)

Op de traditionele tweede dinsdag van september – dinsdag 14 september 2021 – is door de regering bij gelegenheid van de opening van het nieuwe parlementaire zittingsjaar 2021-2022 van de Staten van Curaçao de ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2022 aangeboden aan de Staten (ter griffie van de Staten ingeboekt met volgnummer Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-199). Klik hier voor de Statenstukken nrs. 1 t/m 3 betreffende ...

Ontwerplandsbegroting 2022 Curaçao: fiscale beleidsvoornemens (Curaçao)

Op de traditionele tweede dinsdag van september – dinsdag 14 september 2021 – is door de regering bij gelegenheid van de opening van het nieuwe parlementaire zittingsjaar 2021-2022 van de Staten van Curaçao de ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2022 aangeboden aan de Staten (ter griffie van de Staten ingeboekt met volgnummer Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-199). Klik hier voor de Statenstukken nrs. 1 t/m 3 betreffende ...

Ontwerplandsbegroting 2022 Curaçao: algemene uitgangspunten (Curaçao)

Op de traditionele tweede dinsdag van september – dinsdag 14 september 2021 – is door de regering bij gelegenheid van de opening van het nieuwe parlementaire zittingsjaar 2021-2022 van de Staten van Curaçao de ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2022 aangeboden aan de Staten (ter griffie van de Staten ingeboekt met volgnummer Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-199). Klik hier voor de Statenstukken nrs. 1 t/m 3 betreffende ...

OECD agrees new peer review process to foster transparency on tax rulings

In order to maintain and further improve transparency on tax rulings, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS, which groups over 135 countries and jurisdictions on an equal footing for multilateral negotiation of international tax rules, approved the process for the BEPS Action 5 peer review of the transparency framework for the years 2021 to 2025. This has been announced by the OECD with a press release dated 22 February 2021 ...

In advies bij de vastgestelde begroting 2021: Cft van oordeel dat invoering van de ABB per 1 april a.s. niet haalbaar is (Curaçao)

Bij brief d.d. 21 januari 2021 aan de minister van Financiën van Curaçao heeft het College financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten (Cft) advies uitgebracht bij de vastgestelde begroting 2021 van Curaçao. Het advies bevat vanzelfsprekend ook belastinggerelateerde passages. Hierna nemen wij enkele relevante passages op. De Landsverordening van de 29ste december 2020 tot vaststelling van de begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2021 werd op 30 december 2020 uitgegeven ...

Landsverordening van de 29ste december 2020 tot vaststelling van de begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2021 in het Publicatieblad (Curaçao)

Op 30 december 2020 is de Landsverordening van de 29ste december 2020 tot vaststelling van de begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2021 uitgegeven en geplaatst in het Publicatieblad van Curaçao, jaargang 2020, no. 159 (P.B. 2020 no. 159). De ontwerp-landsverordening werd op 23 december 2020 behandeld in een hervatte openbare vergadering van de Staten van Curaçao (klik hier voor de oproep voor de hervatting van de vergadering). Op 23 ...

Nota’s van Wijziging op de ontwerplandsbegroting 2021: verschuiving invoering ABB naar uiterlijk 1 april 2021 en budget voor nieuwe functies in de Nieuwe Belastingorganisatie (Curaçao)

Op 15 en 17 december jl. zijn nota’s van wijziging met betrekking tot de ontwerplandsverordening tot wijziging van de Begroting van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2021 aangeboden aan de Staten. Hierbij zetten wij de beide nota’s van wijziging naar u door: klik hier voor de (eerste) nota van wijziging en hier voor de tweede nota van wijziging. Beide nota’s van wijziging betreffen wijzigingen van de recapitulatiestaten, van de gewone dienst ...

Transparency on tax rulings now the global norm, according to new peer review assessments for over 120 jurisdictions

As part of continuing efforts to improve tax transparency, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) has reviewed the progress made by 124 jurisdictions in spontaneously exchanging information on tax rulings, in accordance with the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard. The conclusions show that transparency on tax rulings is now a fully-entrenched part of the international tax framework, with 20 000 tax rulings having been identified and 36 000 ...

Inclusive Framework Peer Review Report on the Exchange of Information on Tax Rulings: the Netherlands

As part of continuing efforts to improve tax transparency, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) has reviewed the progress made by 124 jurisdictions in spontaneously exchanging information on tax rulings, in accordance with the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard. The conclusions show that transparency on tax rulings is now a fully-entrenched part of the international tax framework, with 20 000 tax rulings having been identified and 36 000 ...

Inclusive Framework Peer Review Report on the Exchange of Information on Tax Rulings: Sint Maarten

As part of continuing efforts to improve tax transparency, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) has reviewed the progress made by 124 jurisdictions in spontaneously exchanging information on tax rulings, in accordance with the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard. The conclusions show that transparency on tax rulings is now a fully-entrenched part of the international tax framework, with 20 000 tax rulings having been identified and 36 000 ...

Inclusive Framework Peer Review Report on the Exchange of Information on Tax Rulings: Curaçao

As part of continuing efforts to improve tax transparency, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) has reviewed the progress made by 124 jurisdictions in spontaneously exchanging information on tax rulings, in accordance with the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard. The conclusions show that transparency on tax rulings is now a fully-entrenched part of the international tax framework, with 20 000 tax rulings having been identified and 36 000 ...

Inclusive Framework Peer Review Report on the Exchange of Information on Tax Rulings: Aruba

As part of continuing efforts to improve tax transparency, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) has reviewed the progress made by 124 jurisdictions in spontaneously exchanging information on tax rulings, in accordance with the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard. The conclusions show that transparency on tax rulings is now a fully-entrenched part of the international tax framework, with 20 000 tax rulings having been identified and 36 000 ...

Nota naar aanleiding van het Verslag inzake de ontwerplandsbegroting 2021, met enkele belastingaangelegenheden. De begroting wordt aanstaande vrijdag behandeld in de openbare vergadering van de Staten (Curaçao)

Hierbij zetten wij de op 7 december 2020 door de Minister van Financiën aan de Staten van Curaçao aangeboden Nota naar aanleiding van het Verslag inzake ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de Begroting (Beleidsdeel) van Curaçao voor het dienstjaar 2021 (zittingsjaar 2020-2021-170, Statenstuk no. 4) naar u door. De ontwerplandsverordening zal op vrijdag 11 december a.s. om 09:00 uur worden behandeld tijdens een gewone vergadering van de Staten, zo blijkt uit ...