National Development Vision launched (Sint Maarten)

Sint Maarten’s National Development Vision has been launched this week. The launch took place from Tuesday, November 8, to Thursday, November 10, right before the St. Martin Day celebrations. Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs joined the Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations for the launch  of the NDV. This has been announced with a press release published on the website of the Government. The NDV is a 76-page booklet that outlines ...

IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2021 Article IV Mission to Aruba – belastinggerelateerde passages (Aruba)

Het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (International Monetary Fund, “IMF”) heeft op 8 maart 2021 een Concluding Statement uitgegeven inzake de “Article IV Mission” naar Aruba: “Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2021 Article IV Mission”. Over de publicatie van het rapport en de bevindingen is door de regering van Aruba een persbericht uitgegeven: klik hier om naar het persbericht op de website van de overheid van Aruba te gaan ...

Lucht voor toerisme en horeca op Saba: vrijstelling van overheidsvergoedingen aangekondigd (Caribisch Nederland – Saba)

Bedrijven op Saba in de horeca- en toeristische sector krijgen voor april tot en met december 2020 extra vrijstelling van het Openbaar Lichaam Saba: de ondernemers hoeven niet de verschillende vergoedingen te betalen die ze normaal aan de overheid betalen. Het bestuurscollege heeft hiertoe onlangs besloten. Dit is bekendgemaakt met een post op de facebookpagina van het openbaar lichaam. Het betreft extra hulpmaatregelen voor bedrijven die financieel zijn getroffen door ...

Statia introduces COVID-19 Relief Package for specific groups that are not already funded by the local or central governments (Caribisch Nederland – Sint Eustatius)

On Monday October 26th, the Public Entity of St. Eustatius has introduced a COVID-19 Social Relief Package with funds received from the Central Government. This relief package is being used to assist specific groups such as farmers, fisherman, the tourism and hospitality sector, residents, radio stations and foundations that are not already funded by the local or central governments. This has been announced in a press release posted on the ...

Saba implemented additional support measures (one-time relief package for apartment owners, taxi drivers, and other business owners): 35 persons qualified and received a one-time relief of $2,000 (Caribisch Nederland – Saba)

In July 2020, the Public Entity Saba published the applications for a one-time relief package targeted towards apartment owners, taxi drivers, and other business owners that had not received any of the other packages provided by the Ministries of SZW and EZK up until then (see below). It concerns additional support measures in order to alleviate the burden of costs related to the Covid-19 crisis. In total, 52 people applied ...

Public urged to participate in online survey for the National Development Vision 2020-2030 (Sint Maarten)

The Government of Sint Maarten urges the public to participate in the online survey/questionnaire for the National Development Vision 2020-2030 (NDV). This has been announced with a press release posted on the website of the Government. The questionnaire will be accessible until August 31st 2020. The link to the survey/questionnaire has been taken up at the bottom of the press release. In its basic form, a National Development Vision is ...

Saba establishes a one-time relief package for residents and waives business license fee (Caribisch Nederland – Saba)

The Public Entity Saba (het Openbaar Lichaam Saba) has established a one-time relief package for residents and waives business license fee. This relief package by the public entity is an additional measure to the earlier offered assistance by the Dutch Government through the economic relief package, which includes salary subsidy and a fixed cost allowance for self-employed persons who have entirely lost their income (being, respectively: the ‘Tijdelijke subsidieregeling loonkosten ...

Draft National Development Vision 2020-2030 now online: one of the visionary goals is to attain fiscal sustainability and an efficient and effective tax system and administration (Sint Maarten)

The (draft) National Development Vision 2020-2030, developed from the National Development Plan/Project, is now available online on the Government of Sint Maarten website. This has been announced with a press release on the website of the Government of Sint Maarten. The Department of The Interior and Kingdom Relations (the Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties) has made the document (which dates from April 2020) public for the entire public to have access ...

Nota ‘2020 SXM Recovery within Recovery: Structural Reform Initiative’: belastingaangelegenheden uitgelicht (Sint Maarten)

Bij brief d.d. 10 juli 2020 heeft de staatssecretaris van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties de Tweede kamer geïnformeerd over de besluitvorming in de Rijksministerraad van vrijdag 10 juli (gisteren) inzake (financiële) ondersteuning aan Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten. Voor meer informatie over deze brief zie dit artikel in het CFN van vandaag. Vooruitlopend op de besluitvorming in de Rijksministerraad (RMR) werd het College financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten (Cft) ...

Statia government urges entrepreneurs to make use of additional relief package (Caribisch Nederland – Sint Eustatius)

The Public Entity of St. Eustatius is urging Statian entrepreneurs to make use of the additional benefits of the second part of the emergency relief package rolled out by the central government. This has been announced with a press release posted on the website of the Public Entity of St. Eustatius. From the press release: On June 19, State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations (BZK) Raymond Knops sent ...

Sint Maarten Support Relief Plan: Government stimulus program includes 80% salary subsidy (Sint Maarten)

The Minister of Finance of St. Maarten Ardwell Irion and his team, with the information and recommendations gathered by the Emergency Support Function’s (EFS) and their relevant teams and task forces, prepared the St. Maarten Support Relief Plan – SSRP. Together with the relief and programs, the plan includes the cost of the plan, which forms part of the request to The Netherlands and totals ANG 254 million for the ...

IMF Policy Tracker on Aruba. Summarizes the key economic responses governments are taking to limit the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (Aruba)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has posted a Policy Tracker on its website. The Policy Tracker summarizes the key economic responses governments are taking to limit the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The tracker includes 193 economies. The Policy Tracker also contains a section on Aruba: “Aruba has reported 60 positive cases (with no deaths) as of April 3, 2020. The Coronavirus outbreak will affect Aruba through ...

2019 Caribbean Forum: Regional Transformation for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. Panel discussions will also focus on taxation in the tourism sector and developing an appropriate approach to tax incentives

The Government of Barbados, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) organized the 9th Caribbean Forum in Barbados on 6 November 2019, as announced on the website of the IMF. The event brought together senior policymakers, public, private, and multilateral development partners to explore avenues for regional transformation to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. Panel discussions will focus on leveraging institutional arrangements to boost regional integration, ...

IMF: additional measures should contain a mix of tax reforms and expenditure rationalization (Aruba)

IMF Executive Board concluded the 2019 Article IV Consultation with the Kingdom of the Netherlands-Aruba. Under Article IV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral discussions with members, usually every year. In the context of the 2019 Article IV consultation with the Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba, the following documents have been released and are included in this package: A Press Release on the staff report that concluded ...

IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2019 Article IV Mission to Aruba

Het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (International Monetary Fund, “IMF”) heeft op 1 april 2019 een Concluding Statement uitgegeven met betrekking tot de “Article IV Mission” naar Aruba: “Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2019 Article IV Mission”. In het Concluding Statement laat het IMF zich ook uit over de belastinghervormingen. Hieronder nemen wij de Concluding Statement op: “Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2019 Article ...