IMF Staff Concluding Statement on Article IV Mission: ‘The authorities’ strong efforts to improve revenue administration have brought tangible results and need to be continued, the authorities should subsequently consider introducing a fully-fledged VAT in place of the sales tax which would reduce distortions’ (Curaçao)

The IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2022 Article IV Mission regarding Curaçao and the Monetary Union of Curaçao and Sint Maarten has been published on the website of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on June 7, 2022. The IMF mission took place during May 18-25. A Concluding Statement describes the preliminary findings of IMF staff at the end of an official staff visit (or ‘mission’), in most cases to ...

IMF Staff Concluding Statement: ‘Curaçao would benefit from moving to a full-fledged VAT under ambitious but realistic timeline, while paying due attention to cyclical conditions and the social impact’ (Curaçao)

The Staff Concluding Statement of a recent IMF Staff Visit Curaçao and Sint Maarten has been published on the website of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on November 30, 2021. An IMF mission met virtually with the authorities of Curaçao and Sint Maarten during November 8–24 to discuss recent economic developments, update the macroeconomic outlook, and follow up on the policy priorities raised during 2021 Article IV consultation discussions. The ...

Aanbevelingen ATIA/AHATA/AVVB bij invoering van een BTW-stelsel (Aruba)

Bij brief van 23 april 2021 aan de Minister van Financiën, Economische Zaken en Cultuur van Aruba hebben de Aruba Trade & Industry Association (ATIA), de Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA) en de Arubaanse Vereniging van Belastingadvisers (AVVB) een aantal aanbevelingen en suggesties gedaan ingeval in het kader van de aangekondigde belastinghervormingen zou worden overgegaan tot de invoering van een BTW-systeem (belasting over de toegewaarde waarde). Hieronder nemen wij ...

IMF Article IV Consultation: belastinghervormingen met verschuiving van directe naar indirecte belastingen gepland voor 2023, maar IMF beveelt versnelde invoering BTW aan (Aruba)

Op 21 april jl. is door de ‘Executive Board’ van het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF) een persbericht uitgegeven inzake de ‘Artikel IV-consultatie-gesprekken’ met Aruba over economische ontwikkelingen en economisch beleid (de ‘Article IV Consultation Discussions with the Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba’). De gesprekken werden op 16 april jl. afgerond. Het voornoemde persbericht bevat ook de ‘Executive Board Assessment’. Aan de basis van de gesprekken lag het Staff report van 31 ...

Countries have responded decisively to the COVID-19 crisis, but face significant fiscal challenges ahead

Governments have taken unprecedented fiscal action in response to the COVID-19 crisis, but countries will need to support economic recovery in the face of significantly increasing fiscal challenges, according a new OECD report Tax Policy Reforms 2020: OECD and Selected Partner Economies. This was announced by the OECD in a press release dated 3 September 2020 on the release of the report. Tax Policy Reforms 2020 describes the latest tax ...

As the pace of tax reform slows, countries are urged to take bolder action

The pace of tax reforms has slowed across most leading economies and bolder tax reforms will be needed to address future challenges, according to a new OECD report. This was announced in a press release published on the website of the OECD. Tax Policy Reforms 2019 describes the latest tax reforms across all OECD countries, as well as in Argentina, Indonesia and South Africa. The report identifies major tax policy trends and ...