Tax aspects in IMF Country Report on Suriname. VAT will be amended converting all zero-rated products (except exports and ancillary supplies to exports) to exempt products and imposing the standard 10 percent VAT rate on sales covering at least 60 percent of household consumption (Suriname)

Earlier this month, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Second Review of the extended arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Suriname. See this article in CFN’s edition of June 16, 2023. The completion of the review allows the authorities to draw the equivalent of SDR 39.4 million (about US$53 million), bringing total disbursement to SDR 118.2 (about US$159 million). In completing the review, ...

IMF Technical Assistance Report Sint Maarten: Sustainable Tax Reforms (Sint Maarten)

On 19 October 2021, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published its Country Report No. 2021/231: Kingdom of the Netherlands—Sint Maarten: Technical Assistance Report—Sustainable Tax Reforms. Click here to go directly to the relevant page on the website of the IMF. This Technical Assistance Report was prepared by a staff team of the IMF. It is based on the information available at the time it was completed in March 2021. The ...

Curaçao and Sint Maarten: IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2021 Article IV Mission – recommendations on taxation matters (Curaçao en Sint Maarten)

The Staff Concluding Statement of the 2021 Article IV Mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to Curaçao en Sint Maarten has been published on the website of the IMF. The mission took place during May 13-June 17, 2021. Click here to go to the statement as published on the IMF-website. The COVID-19 pandemic inflicted another major shock on the economies of Curaçao and Sint Maarten. Despite the substantial response ...

New toolkit to strengthen Value Added Taxes on e-commerce in Latin America and the Caribbean

The surge in e-commerce following the COVID-19 outbreak has emphasized the importance of applying Value Added Tax (VAT) effectively to digital trade. A new toolkit released on Wednesday June 23rd offers timely and valuable assistance to tax authorities in the Latin America and the Caribbean region for the effective collection of VAT revenues from e-commerce activities. This has been announced with a press release on the website of the OECD ...

Digital platforms have an important role to play in value added tax policy in the sharing and gig economy

Digital platforms can play an important role in the application of Value Added Taxes/Goods and Services Taxes (VAT/GST) policies in the sharing and gig economy, according to a new OECD report “The Impact of the Growth of the Sharing and Gig Economy on VAT/GST Policy and Administration”. This has been announced with a press release on the website of the OECD on the occasion of the release of the report ...

Onderhoud Minister van Financiën met Fiscal Affairs Department van het IMF inzake technische bijstand op het gebied van belastingen (Aruba)

In het kader van de IMF ‘Spring Meetings’ heeft de Minister van Financiën, Economische Zaken en Cultuur van Aruba onlangs een ontmoeting gehad met het Fiscal Affairs Department van het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF). Daarbij is gesproken over de wens van Aruba om technische bijstand van het IMF te ontvangen. Dit is bekendgemaakt met een nieuwsbericht op de website van de overheid van Aruba (klik hier voor de Papiamentstalige versie ...

IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2021 Article IV Mission to Aruba – belastinggerelateerde passages (Aruba)

Het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (International Monetary Fund, “IMF”) heeft op 8 maart 2021 een Concluding Statement uitgegeven inzake de “Article IV Mission” naar Aruba: “Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2021 Article IV Mission”. Over de publicatie van het rapport en de bevindingen is door de regering van Aruba een persbericht uitgegeven: klik hier om naar het persbericht op de website van de overheid van Aruba te gaan ...

SER-advies betreffende de ontwerplandsverordening algemene bestedingsbelasting (Curaçao)

Op 26 november 2020 heeft de Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) een spoed-adviesverzoek ontvangen betreffende de ontwerplandsverordening algemene bestedingsbelasting. Het ontwerp is in behandeling genomen in de buitengewone voorbereidende vergadering van de SER op 11 en op 21 december 2020. Het advies betreffende het ontwerp is in de buitengewone plenaire vergadering van 21 december 2020 behandeld en vastgesteld en bij schrijven d.d. 22 december 2020 aangeboden aan de Minister van Financiën van ...

IMF: additional measures should contain a mix of tax reforms and expenditure rationalization (Aruba)

IMF Executive Board concluded the 2019 Article IV Consultation with the Kingdom of the Netherlands-Aruba. Under Article IV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral discussions with members, usually every year. In the context of the 2019 Article IV consultation with the Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba, the following documents have been released and are included in this package: A Press Release on the staff report that concluded ...

IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2019 Article IV Mission to Aruba

Het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (International Monetary Fund, “IMF”) heeft op 1 april 2019 een Concluding Statement uitgegeven met betrekking tot de “Article IV Mission” naar Aruba: “Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2019 Article IV Mission”. In het Concluding Statement laat het IMF zich ook uit over de belastinghervormingen. Hieronder nemen wij de Concluding Statement op: “Kingdom of the Netherlands—Aruba: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2019 Article ...

IMF-Technical Assistance Report: Towards a Sustainable Tax System

Het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (International Monetary Fund, hierna: “IMF”) heeft op 18 december 2018 rapport uitgebracht inzake technische bijstand bij de ontwikkeling van het fiscale stelsel van Aruba. Klik hier om naar de pagina op de website van het IMF te gaan waar het raport is gepubliceerd. Inleiding Op verzoek van de Minister-President van Aruba, Mw. Evelyn Wever-Croes, en de Minister Financiën, Mrs. Xiomara Ruiz-Maduro, heeft een technische bijstandsmissie van ...

Tax revenues continue increasing as the tax mix shifts further towards corporate and consumption taxes

Tax revenues in advanced economies have continued to increase, with taxes on companies and personal consumption representing an increasing share of total tax revenues, according to new OECD research. This was announced in a press release dated 5 December 2018 as published on the website of the OECD. From the press release: The 2018 edition of the OECD’s annual Revenue Statistics publication shows that the OECD average tax-to-GDP ratio rose ...

Tax reforms accelerating with push to lower corporate tax rates

Countries have used recent tax reforms to lower taxes on businesses and individuals, with a view to boosting investment, consumption and labour market participation, continuing a trend that started a couple of years ago, according to a new report from the OECD. This has been expressed by the OECD in a press release on its website covering the release on 5 September 2018 of the report "Tax Policy Reforms 2018; ...

OECD Global Forum on VAT: Tax experts gather to discuss solutions for common challenges in the design and operation of VAT systems; also the boom in e-commerce was discussed in the context of the BEPS Project

  In a press release of 13 April 2017 the OECD announced that approximately 300 participants, representing over 100 delegations from countries, jurisdictions and international organisations, as well as representatives from the business community and academia, gathered on 12 – 14 April 2017 in Paris for the fourth meeting of the OECD Global Forum on VAT. Also the release of the Recommendation of the Council on the Application of Value ...